2 Year Olds Schedule and Information

2 year olds are busy busy busy! They love exploring new crafts such as tape and paint. They can move their bodies and love dancing to music and singing songs. They are also very busy potty training and getting ready for the preschool side of PA. There is a Jack and Jill bathroom in between the 1 and 2 year old room which aides in the potty training process. We aim to work together with the child and family to makes this potty training a fun and successful event at both home and PA.

6:30-9:00 Drop off and Breakfast

9:00 Morning snack and diaper checks

9:30 Group time

9:45 Centers and daily activities

10:30 Outside time (or gym in case of inclement weather)

11:15 Inside, wash hands and get ready for lunch

11:30 lunch

12:00 Music and movement and diaper checks

12:30 Stories and settle down for nap

1:00-3:00 Naptime

3:00 Snack time and diaper checks

4:00-6:00 Outside time, say goodbye to our friends and go home