1 Year Olds Schedule

6:30-9:00 Drop off and breakfast

9:00 Morning snack and diaper checks

9:30 Classroom activity

10:00 Good morning circle time

10:30 Outside Time (or gymnasium during times of inclement weather)

11:30 Lunch

12:00 Free time and diaper checks

12:45 Settle down for nap

1:00-3:00 Naptime

3:15 Snacktime and diaper checks

4:15-6:00 Outside time and say goodbye to our friends

1 year olds are a busy group exploring new toys and new people!  This room has a 5:1 ratio. The teachers focus on children learning new independence, even at this early age. For many 1 year olds, PA will be their first experience away from family or in a childcare setting outside the home, We work with the children making sure that they feel safe, loved and have a good time while their parents are away.